Course Selection Forms
Scobee Middle School has a variety of course electives to choose from, to ensure our students' interests needs are met. Each video below will give you a synopsis of what each course has to offer. To find out more about the course, watch the videos for the electives you are interested in taking.
Spanish -Spanish 1 and 2 are offered to 7th and 8th grade students, students must take Spanish 1 in 7th grade in order to be eligible to take Spanish 2 in 8th grade. This course focuses on speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will also learn about Latin American history, culture, and geography. Students are able to use the credits for Spanish when they reach high school upon successful completion.
Jr. Cadet Corp - This elective is for 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students. Students will develop personal discipline, responsibility, character development, communication skills, physical conditioning, a better understanding of patriotism. Activities include military formation drills, physical fitness activities, ceremonies, first aid, community service, parades, drill team competitions and leadership lessons.
Guitar -This elective is for 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students. This class introduces basic playing techniques for classic style guitar. Students will learn chords and patterns of music styles. Students will need to buy or rent an instrument as well as other materials. Please contact Mr. Silva with any questions 210 645 7500 x 2682.
Mariachi -This elective is for 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students, beginning and advanced courses are offered. Beginning instruction is offered for students interested in mariachi, no experience in necessary. Practicing at home is necessary in order to improve. Students are expected to participate in campus concerts during the school year. Students and parents are expected to meet with the mariachi director to talk about an instrument placement. Students will need to buy or rent an instrument, and other supplies, please contact Mr. Silva with any questions 210 645 7500 x 2682.
Theater -This elective is for 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students, beginning and advanced courses are offered. This class explores acting by studying the elements of dramatic expression. Students learn play production, stage design, lighting, props, and costume creation. Students are expected to participate in theater performances on campus.
Band - This elective is for 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students. Both beginning and advanced band are offered; however, 6th grade students must start in beginning band. No previous experience is needed in order to join. Students will learn how to read music, instruction in tone production, as well as playing techniques. Practicing at home is a must in order to be successful, students are expected to participate in the campus concerts that are held during the year, as well as rent or purchase an instrument and other materials. Band directors will help the students decide which instrument is the best fit for them. For any questions, please contact Mr. Telles or Mrs. Solalinde at 210 645 7500 x 2705.
Jazz Band - Jazz band is offered to 7th and 8th grade students, students do not need to have prior Jazz band experience in order to join. Participation in performances is expected in this course, students will need to buy or rent their instrument as well as other materials. This is a fun and rewarding course that allows students the chance to play instruments that are different from what they normally play.
Choir Elective -
Choir Elective -
This elective is for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, both beginning and advanced choir are offered. Choir offers students the chance to develop their singing techniques, rhythm, sight reading skills, and voices. Students are expected to participate in campus performances.
Cyber Patriots -This elective is for 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students and focuses on science, technology and STEM skills. Students are introduced to cybersecurity and will learn how to spot computer weaknesses in systems and servers.
Art -This elective is for 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students. Both beginning and advanced art courses are provided for selection by students, 6th grade students must start with beginning band. This is an exploratory course that teaches students the principals of arts using different materials. Projects, drawing, paintings, and the study of art are expected in this course.
Creative Writing (Journalism/Yearbook) - This elective course is for 7th and 8th grade students only. Students on this course are exposed to different types of writing styles, giving them the opportunity to create their own works for publication. The course focuses on fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and journalistic writing. The course helps students develop their writing styles for the use of self-expression and communication.
Investigating Careers - This elective is for 7th and 8th grade students. Investigating careers is a sampling of the different pathways offered at our high schools. Students will explore Cyber Patriots, Automation, Business and Finance, Animal and Health Science, Aviation, and Digital Arts.
Athletics Girls - This elective is for 7th and 8th grade students. Student in the athletics period replace P.E. as their physical education credit. This elective is for students who want to participate in team sports like volleyball, basketball, soccer, cross country, tennis, and track.
Athletics Boys - This elective is for 7th and 8th grade students. Student in the athletics period replace P.E. as their physical education credit. This elective is for students who want to participate in team sports like football, basketball, soccer, cross country, tennis, and track.